Match 3 game assets

Hello everyone, i’m just here to anounce the reease of the match 3 game assets! This is a small project that i made with all the necessary sprites to make a simple match 3 game, the assets will be separated in: Gems, Boards, HUD Icons and Itens, and Menus. I will release each one ofthem in order but this is not the end! Because this asset kit is like a sub project that i am making now that i called gem clash.

Gem clash is a kit of assets with a great variety of rpg like characters that i planed to be used with the match 3 game (like a combat game using the match 3 mechanics) but this assets can be used separatedly as a rpg or a action rpg game, soon when i release all the match 3 assets i will start to release the characters too so check out for more updates ^^.


Gems Match 3 150 kB
Mar 14, 2023

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